
Fast & Seamless Deliveries, Every Time
Looking to ship?

Expedited Services

In a world where one tap on a keyboard or swipe on a screen is all it takes to confirm an order, the demand for expedited shipping is on the rise. Turn to the company who has the process down to a science.

Super Fast Shipping Without Sacrificing Customer Service

At Atlantic Logistics, Where Shipping is a Pleasure!™, we pride ourselves on establishing lasting customer relationships by being honest, fair and courteous. Rising to the top isn’t just about working hard, it’s about working together- especially with our customers- so everyone can enjoy success.

Our nationwide network of reliable carriers gives you access to a superior fleet specializing in handling expedited deliveries. Also, we utilize the latest software and tracking technology, so you know where your shipment is at all times.

A Logistics Company That Stands Out From The Rest

After formulating a comprehensive strategy for your freight, the team puts our expertise to the test to get it delivered fast, from Same Day Delivery to Priority and beyond.

If you have a challenging load with a tight turnaround, but you don’t know who to turn to for help- call us immediately. We'll take care of it with our expedited services.

We are committed to your success.

  • Around the clock load tracking
  • Brokerage insurance that meets all industry requirements
  • Continuous and proactive communication
  • Fully staffed carrier relations team
  • Quick Pay option available
  • Superior Freight Matching and Transportation Management Software
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Contact Atlantic Logistics

We are here 24/7 to provide you with positive feedback and a satisfactory customer experience. Contact us by filling out the form below or giving us a call, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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White semi truck on highway